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  1. Financial Contributions to the 2016 Presidential Campaigns from NY


    #Load libraries
    # Load the Data
    data = read.csv('NYContributionData.csv', row.names = NULL)
    #Convert dates from integers to DD-MM-YYYY format
    data$contb_receipt_dt = dmy(data$contb_receipt_dt)

    Univariate Plots Section

    # Summarize the data set
    ## [1] 186976     18
    names …
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  2. Udacity Engagement Analysis

    Loading Data from CSVs

    # Import csv library
    import unicodecsv
    # Define function to read and store data
    def read_csv(filename):
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            reader = unicodecsv.DictReader(f)
            return list(reader)
    enrollments = read_csv('data/enrollments.csv')
    daily_engagement = read_csv('data/daily_engagement.csv')
    project_submissions = read_csv('data/project_submissions.csv')
    # Print out first …
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  3. Introduction to Research Methods

    Introduction To Research Methods


    A few researchers set out to determine the optimal length of chopsticks for children and adults. They came up with a measure of how effective a pair of chopsticks performed, called the "Food Pinching Performance." The "Food Pinching Performance" was determined by counting the number …

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  4. Baseball Salaries Analysis

    The Baseball Data was used to answer the following questions:
    Are salaries higher in 2015 than in 1985?
    Does the mean salary increase with the year?
    Do a player salaries have a higher correlation with total runs or homeruns?

    # Import packages
    import csv
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as …
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